Suggestion below for a prelude to the complaints policy
What to do if you have a concern...
We all want happy, healthy pupils who feel safe at school and try to do.
Co-operation and liaison between parents, staff and governors leads to a shared sense of purpose and a positive atmosphere in school.
Hopefully, your child is settled and happy, and is enjoying school life. However, there may be a time when your child is having a difficulty at school and you need to know what to do to help resolve the problem. If you or your child has a problem concerning a school issue, first talk to your child's teacher.
Think about what you hope will happen as a result of your discussion and let the teacher know this. If the issue seems to continue, it is important that you meet again with your child's class teacher to highlight that the issue appears to be on-going. If you haven't been able to resolve your concern at this point, then please make an appointment to see the headteacher. It is in everyone’s interests for things to be sorted out smoothly. Sometimes it is not possible for all parental requests to be met but with direct communication we hope to reach a positive resolution in the interests of achieving the best outcome for all concerned.
You can make a formal complaint (please see our Complaints Policy) This is a serious step to take and it is important that you have thought things through carefully. In a school setting it is inevitable that concerns appear from time to time, but we much prefer to hear from you at an early stage in order that we can work together to stop a worry growing and to speedily find a harmonious resolution.
Thank you
Please contact our clerk to governors
The Curzon Church Of England Primary
Church Road
DE22 5JA Tel: 01332 550172
If not our chair of Governors-