(Year 4)
Welcome to Year 4! I look forward to teaching your children over the coming year. We have a busy year ahead with many exciting learning opportunities. The range of topics taught in Year 4 allow your children to explore history, the world around them, science, arts and crafts, gaining knowledge and understanding along the way. We will be preparing the children for the Multiplication Tables Check that takes place June. All children have a TT Rockstars log in that you can access at home to help your child with their times tables. Our Class page is a place for sharing information, resources and documents that can be used to keep up to date with your child’s learning and consolidate learning at home. Photographs of events and experiences that your child has in Year 4 will be posted for you to browse and see all the fun we have at The Curzon C of E Primary School!
Mrs Brown
Please click on the attachments below to see the topic newsletter from this term