We ask that all pupils wear our school uniform. We believe this is important because it fosters a feeling of pride in belonging to our school family. Uniform with the school logo is available from:
FGS sports
Our school uniform policy is as follows:
- White polo shirt
- Green sweatshirt or sweat cardigan
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress, trousers or tailored shorts
- Green school dresses (checked material)
- Black school shoes (not trainers or shoes with heels)
For PE, children will need thier house t-shirt, black shorts and a pair of black PE pumps. PE kit should be kept in a named drawstring bag. PE kit is best kept at school and returned home for washing at weekends or holidays. Parents are asked to regularly check that their child’s kit still fits, especially their pumps.
For health and safety reasons, if pupils wish to wear earrings, these must be the stud design only. Pupils may wear a watch but rings, necklaces and bracelets must be left at home. Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc should be simple and preferably in school colours.
A school book bag is available direct from the school. Please contact the school office for further guidance.
Please make sure that all items of uniform are clearly named with your child’s full name. If you would like to use our permanent ink markers in school, please call into the office and the staff will be happy to help.
Curzon second hand uniform shop
We stock a large selection of second hand uniform available for donation/purchase.
It is a great way of recycling and helping the environment. All money raised goes back to Curzon school.
The shop is available on occasions in the school playground each term, private purchase is available at any time by contacting Rebecca on uniformsales@curzon.derbyshire.sch.uk or the school office.
Alternatively if you have any good quality Curzon uniform you no longer need please either contact Rebecca or the school office and we will take these donations. Please note we do not take white polo shirts or tights.