Welcome from the Headteacher
Welcome to The Curzon CE Primary School
Welcome to our website
A message from our Headteacher
Our Vision
‘Aspire Believe Care’
“Let your light shine” Matthew 5:16
Welcome to our website. I am proud to be the Headteacher of this wonderful school.
At The Curzon Church of England Primary School, we ASPIRE to be the best we can be and reach our full potential. We BELIEVE in our abilities to learn and flourish together. We CARE for one another as the Curzon family. Our vision is underpinned by our school’s core values of, Friendship, Forgiveness, Perseverance, Respect, Truthfulness and Compassion. Individuals flourish in a school which is a safe, respectful and welcoming Christian community.
The Curzon Church of England Primary School is a welcoming, friendly and supportive school, which places the learners at the centre of everything we do. We believe all our learners are special and have gifts and talents and we aim to provide a high quality education within a caring Christian environment which will help them to succeed and grow.
Our ‘school family’ culture ensures that parents, carers, governors, staff and pupils work together to enable all pupils to achieve; academically, personally, socially and spiritually. Respect, hope and friendship are key features of our strong Christian ethos and high priority is given to the spiritual development of everyone in the school. We want everyone to feel happy, safe and valued in our school family.
We expect our learners to work hard, make good educational progress and be proud of their achievements. We believe that the focus of good quality education is to support pupils in becoming lifelong, motivated learners and independent thinkers. We put our children at the centre of everything we do. We believe that each child is special and unique as they are in the eyes of God. We provide an education for the whole child that will enable them to be lifelong learners, to make good life choices and to stand up for what they believe is right.
We pride ourselves in having a loyal and committed staff team who work extremely hard to equip pupils with the enthusiasm, confidence, self-belief and skills to become all they can be. We work hard to give all our pupils the head start he or she deserves. We want them to have special and happy memories of their time at our school.
Alongside the pupils, staff, governors, parents and carers, I would like to offer you a warm welcome to our school.
Mrs Fletcher